Title: Perypetie Alicji na Czarytorium. Na 150-lecie narodzin Alicji (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. For the 150th anniversary of Alice's birth)
Author: Grzegorz Wasowski
Illustrator: Various
Year of publication: 2015
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Wasowscy ISBN: 9788393497218
Language: Polish
Binding: Hardback
Number of pages: 264
Dimensions: 17.1 x 24.6 x 2.4 cm
Cover: W. H. Walker
Pic. 1.: W. H. Walker; Oliver Herford
Pic. 2.: Henry Furniss; W. H. Walker; Arthur Rackham; Charles Robinson; Brinsley Le Fanu; Charles Robinson
Pic. 3.: Thomas Maybank; W. H. Walker; Brinsley Le Fanu; Peter Newell; K. M. R.
Pic. 4.: Peter Newell; Peter Newell; Charles Robinson; W. H. Walker